Teacher Activity Guides for Midweek Concerts

The BSO provides arts-integrated, STEAM activated Resource guides to complement the Midweek concerts. Each guide is written by a highly-skilled group of Maryland educators with specialism in music, drama, science, English/Language Arts and visual arts, led by extraordinary award-winning curriculum writer and editor, Richard McCready. The activities are designed to inspire creative interactions with the concert materials and to provide a more personal and engaging concert experience. STEAM Activated, Arts-Integrated

  • Innovative teacher resource guides designed to enhance each concert program
  • Created in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), guides are thoughtfully designed for each concert program by a hand-picked team of educators who specialize in music, social studies, science, English/language arts, drama and visual arts
  • Written by expert advisors from Johns Hopkins, the National Park Service, the Maryland Historical Society and the Enoch Pratt Free Library
  • Guides align to:
    • State and National Curriculum
    • Common Core Standards
    • National Arts Standards » 21st Century Skills